BJCP 60(2), August 2005
- Aronson, "Metameta-analysis"
The meta-in meta-analysis derives indirectly from Aristotle, or rather Andronicus of Rhodes*1, who edited Aristotle's manuscripts some 250 years after his death. (...) However, because The Metaphysics dealt with what Aristotle called 'primary philosophy', or ontology, metaphysics came to be misunderstood as 'the science of that which transcends the physical'
- Chowbay, et al., "Meta-analysis of the influence of MDR1 C3435T polymorphism on digoxin pharmacokinetics and MDR1 gene expression"
Our meta-analysis of available studies indicates that the synonymous MDR1 C3435T SNP does not affect the pharmacokinetics of digoxin and the expression of MDR1 mRNA. Future studies should focus on the impact of MDR1 haplotypes on the pharmacokinetics of MDR1 substrates rather than the C3435T SNP alone.
- この研究の現状をあまりフォローしていないのだが,今さらこんなメタアナリシスをして,この程度の (does not affect という) 結果が出てくるのは,どの程度の価値があるのだろう.
- 解析方法について
If the minimum, median and maximum values were provided instead of the mean and standard deviation, the latter two parameters were estimated (...)
- とあって,mean = (Min + Max) / 2, SD = (Max - Min) / 4 としている.