J. PKPD Online First
- Urien, et al, "Pharmacokinetic Modelling of 5-FU Production from Capecitabine—A Population Study in 40 Adult Patients with Metastatic Cancer"
- Gopalakrishnan, ..., and Gobburu, "Population Pharmacokinetic–Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Subcutaneous and Pulmonary Insulin in Rats"
- Duffull, et al, "Some Considerations on the Design of Population Pharmacokinetic Studies"
- Shi, Kovacs, Wang, Ludden, et al, "Population Pharmacokinetics of the Active Metabolite of Leflunomide in Pediatric Subjects with Polyarticular Course Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis"
- Kang, Schwartz, Verotta, "Sample Size Computations for PK/PD Population Models"
- Jonsson, ..., and EN Jonsson, "A Longitudinal Model for Non-Monotonic Clinical Assessment Scale Data"
- Mentré, et al, "Prediction Discrepancies for the Evaluation of Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Models"
We are therefore pleased and honored to submit this paper for a special issue of Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics